Summary: Me at My Best

Now that you’ve built a picture of who you are at your best, how much time are you spending at your best at work? Of course, it may vary over time, and it’s a useful check-in tool to see where you are – particularly if you start to feel de-energised or demotivated at work. It’s usually a sign of us not being at our best, so having tools to change this is really useful. What can I do to consciously move to being at my best more?

Without oversimplifying things too much, the aim of work (and life) is to be at our best most of the time. Not all of the time, that’s unrealistic, but most of the time. Science suggests 70-80% is optimum for us to thrive. So if you’re at that level at work, great! Your focus is on nudging that up a notch, keeping yourself in your best place. If you below this, then having some tools to help you move that upwards will be useful. Which takes us into one way of how to do this – to play to our strengths. So, let’s have a look at what this is and how to do it.